version 2.6 * Added support for PHP codesniffer checks, internal restructuring of code by Siebrand Mazeland * Fixes to the above change by Thomas Mulhall version 2.5 * Actualization of description header * Fix for uninitialize an variable $rights in function wfFromTemplates() and repair of indents in code * New the variable $wgAccessControlRedirect to allow set display of search results (default is false) * New language string accesscontrol-info-box in i18n localization file version 2.4.1 * minor fix in german translationfile * cosmetic fixes to avoid code style errors version 2.4.0 * Migrate to JSON i18n verison 2.3 * Fixed function wfDoRedirect() and wfFromTemplates() * Removed unused messages from localization file * New function wfOnUnknownAction() version 2.2 * Fix for MediaWiki >= 1.21 by unknown AccessControl user version 2.1 * Fixed security problem with insert protected page, or template version 2.0 * Completly rewrited for MediaWiki >= 1.18 by Aleš Kapica * Removed not used variables: $wgAccessControlDebug $wgAccessControlDebugFile $wgAllowInfo $wgAllowUserList $wgAccessControlMessages version 1.3 * Gabor Simon fixed problem in function wfGetUsersFromPages() * Applying patch from Stephan Herrmann version 1.2 * Fixed errors in parameter fuction wfDoControlUserAccess() * Repairing while lopp in function getContentTag() version 1.1 * Fixed security bug with accessibility on protected page over #REDIRECT version 1.0 * Refactored all code * Added localization file * Changed separator on one comma (from double) * Readonly access is can not only group, but user too version 0.8 *Fixes for hook errors in MediaWiki 1.11.0 included *Support for the Group of anonymous users added *UNIQ/QUINU-Bug kind of fixed (own Link-Parser) version 0.7 *now it's possible to have read-only groups. *set the english language as default *refactored some functions for better readability *it's now possible to use the internal groups from MediaWiki *Added a TODO-Document version 0.6 *Bugfix release, touching the article didn't work, so I use a header redirect (bad hack, but works). *works now also for anonymous users version 0.5 *Articles with the accesscontrol tag are now touched in advance to displaying it, so the page will not read from the cache *removed some development junk ;-) *better documentation of the accesscontrolSettings.php *added some debugging code version 0.4 *tested in Version 1.8.2 *added some Tips *if more then one group is in the tag, all groups are now displayed *there is now an option, where you can turn off the behaviour, that users in the sysop group can see restricted pages *the "access is allowed only for group..." text is now in the accesscontrolSettings.php for easier localisation version 0.3 *access is now also controlled for editing the pages (if you access it manually per action=edit in the URL) *only sysops can now view and edit the "Usergroup:.." pages *added a changelog ;-) version 0.2 *some fixes, to make it work under Version 1.7.1 *Sysops can now always access pages, so if you make an error, you have always the opportunity to correct it ;-) version 0.1 first Version