open /index.php/Special:GlobalCollectGateway?form_name=TwoStepAmount&payment_method=rtbt&payment_submethod=rtbt_enets&country=SG
click //input[@name='amountRadio' and @value='250']
type id=fname Testy
type id=lname Testerton
type id=zip 048941
type id=street 55 Market Street, #10-01
select id=state label=Outside the U.S.
type id=fname Testy
type id=lname Testerton
type id=zip 048941
type id=street 55 Market Street, #10-01
select id=state label=Outside the U.S.
type id=city Singapore
type id=emailAdd
clickAndWait css=input.button-plain
clickAndWait id=button3 Go
verifyTextPresent GLOBAL COLLECT B.V.
verifyTextPresent SGD 250.00